Monday, 14 December 2015

Beta Concept

After finishing all the 5 domain before which is market study, consumer study, ideation, feasibility study and consumer acceptance than we have to came out with one concept which will be our beta concept and we have to produce this concept later during semester. After several discussion and analysis done from the entire domain before, from the five alpha concepts that had been proposed, pour over Noodle had been chosen as the beta concept. The reason for choosing pour over noodle as the beta concept was because of the highly preferences from the respondents that we interviewed, like this concept and flavour which is important for acceptance of instant noodle product in the market. In addition, the success rate for this concept also was among the highest of all the others five concepts in feasibility study thus make this concept able to be produce in the next semester. We had learned a lot during this food product development final year project which we learned to communicate with the respondents and my team members as well and also research process. The presentations that we had done every week improve our skills of presentation. We will produce this instant noodle concept and you just have to wait for it as it will fulfill all your demands in instant noodles with wonderful flavour that never been seen before.

1 comment:

  1. Checked! More challenges coming in next semester, keep working well & closely with your group.
