Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Beginning of The Ending: Domain 6

After a nice weeks of holiday, it is now the beginning of new and also the last semester. After we had done the beta concept in previous semester now is the time to proceed our beta concept into Alpha concept hihii.. For this semester we had another 4 domain before we finally achieved our Alpha concept and the first domain will be domain 6 which is the gold standard.

After deciding our beta concept now we have to find the best recipe or should i say the best among the best recipe of spicy chicken out there. Yup the flavour will be spicy chicken. Personally, this is my favourite domain because i can try and experiment and tasting a lot. okay so for gold standard we need to finalised the recipe for our noodles and also sauce so we try a lot of things from different type of stock, different ratio of soy sauce, chilli and noodles. We try from the maximum and minimum of each things and find the perfect balance or ideal taste for it.

Special for the noodles as we need incorporate the papaya seed and since it has pungent taste like black-pepper thus we need to ensure that the benefit is there without compromising the taste. A lot of percentage we had try from maximum ti minimum and after that we let consumer give perspective to it by doing a sensory test with random people to gain their thought and opinion before proceed with our final recipe.

After several adjustment we finally get our final gold standard recipe and ready for the next things to do which is to make the gold standard recipe into a commercial product recipe. This time we gonna incorporated the art of science.

papaya seed




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