Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Finale of Ending: Thesis and Final Presentation

After done with producing our product it is time to record everything in the thesis. This will be the proof of all the hard work, research, analysis that we had done for the whole year developing our product. All the data and results been record down discuss to the details in the thesis and finishing it with my group members is another challenging things to do but nevertheless we manage to finish it in timely manner and work in a good teamwork. 

After that we another final presentation with judges coming from the lectures and industry itself. I feel good as i can show our product to the industry and present it but the only things i am worry about is the timing which is 20 minutes only to summarise one whole year research. The presentation going well although it is not within the time given but at least we give a full understanding on our research and bonus point  for our self as the judges really like our product. I am really proud and happy with the achievement that we had done and thanks to all the people that help us finishing this food product, you know who you are and of course super golden platinum thanks to our mentor and lecturer Dr. Chong for all the help and guidance. Without you who else will mark our thesis heheheee.... Keep pretty and smile always, we love you Dr. Chong. Now just hope that someone will interested to produce our instant noodles in a one fine day.

Thesis done

All of us together

The Ending of Last: Domain 9

The last domain will be domain 9 which is the commercial product packaging design study and marketing strategies. In this last domain its all about the sell sheet, packaging design, material for the packaging, nutritional label of our product, costing and marketing strategy of the product. It is quite a lot to do but its okay because at the end we will have the best looking packaging design of our product, it is like the tuxedo for a men which we all want it to be the best looking tuxedo right. 

It takes a lot of study because we want the packaging to be suitable for the product, storage condition, protection towards the product, convenience of it, safety and lastly the impact towards the environment. This all need to be consider before choosing the best packaging for our product. Then, there is costing for our product because it is important to know how much is the cost to produce our product as we want to make it economically in term of cost when produce it and also it will help us to determine the selling price for our product. Before marketing our product we had done several analysis to understand it better such as SWOT analysis which is strength, weakness, opportunity and thread were identified. From that we develop our 5P marketing strategies compromising product, place, promotion and people as the marketing strategy.

sample of packaging

sample of idea

After all the domain 9 domain that we had done, we finally completed our project, baby and study for this degree. Cannot imagine the feeling that we had going through all this for one year, seriously cannot describe for you the feeling but one thing for sure we all satisfied with it. Finally, we have a complete instant noodle food product that we do from scratch until it can be manufacture and sell in the market.

The Middle of The Beginning: Domain 8

After we had successfully done with the last domain now it is the next domain which is commercial product manufacturing process study. Sorry if anyone get confuse so i will explain it in a less complicated manner. So the commercial product manufacturing process study comprise of commercial product manufacturing flow and HACCP plan which was studied in a manufacturing plant scale not lab or kitchen based scale. To commercialize the product we need to do in factory way or manufacturing way rather than usual kitchen as it is very different in term of equipment and machine used. It is all started by listing all the raw materials and ingredients used in the processing of the product. Then, the product flow diagram was done completely by covering all stages involved in the processes including potential delays. Now it look less complicated right after i explain it.

HACCP is hazard analysis critical control point which is food safety standard. you will probably have seen it before in food product packaging that you buy or you seen it but not knowing about it. So this HACCP had been used internationally and recognize as one of the food safety standard in a lot of different country thus by having this standard it just not only ensure the quality of this product but ensure the safety of the consumers. Then, it also increase our range of consumers and confident towards our product. That is why we also include HACCP in our study. Done that now we have the manufacturing process of our product in large scale.

noodles CCP


The Continue of The Beginning: Domain 7

This domain is call as the commercial product study because this is where our gold standard recipe become a recipe that can be commercialised. So to make it easier to understand this is where we need to increase the shelf life of our product and enhance the texture and also increase the water holding capacity of our product so it can be keep longer than normal fried noodles that we buy on the restaurant before.

So before we use the technical ingredients that we want, we test it first to know their characteristic so it can blend well with our product later without causing any mistakes later. We test on the hydrocolloid, emulsifier and modified starch for the product and play with percentage and combination of it to see which will give the best results. Playing with the maximum and minimum is a fun things to do as we can observe even a slight changes have a big impact on it. Of course we want the best for our product. Then, we test on the firmness, viscosity, water activity and water holding capacity for our instant noodles product.

Last but not least of course at the end with need the response from the people itself as they are our potential customers later. So we did several sensory analysis with random people to gain their thought and opinion before we choose the best and most prefer by them technical ingredients and the percentage of it. Wish could show and tell you more but it is our secret recipe so must kept it a secret right.

After we has finalised the commercial product study we store it for storage study for about 3 weeks to see how is the product in term of shelf life and sensory properties after been kept for 3 weeks long whether it remain the same or it become rancid. This is then will be compare with our gold standard to know if there any difference between them. Now for the results after several test was done it shows that our product was still remain the same in term of taste and everything else. That is what a success feel like.



technical ingredients

The Beginning of The Ending: Domain 6

After a nice weeks of holiday, it is now the beginning of new and also the last semester. After we had done the beta concept in previous semester now is the time to proceed our beta concept into Alpha concept hihii.. For this semester we had another 4 domain before we finally achieved our Alpha concept and the first domain will be domain 6 which is the gold standard.

After deciding our beta concept now we have to find the best recipe or should i say the best among the best recipe of spicy chicken out there. Yup the flavour will be spicy chicken. Personally, this is my favourite domain because i can try and experiment and tasting a lot. okay so for gold standard we need to finalised the recipe for our noodles and also sauce so we try a lot of things from different type of stock, different ratio of soy sauce, chilli and noodles. We try from the maximum and minimum of each things and find the perfect balance or ideal taste for it.

Special for the noodles as we need incorporate the papaya seed and since it has pungent taste like black-pepper thus we need to ensure that the benefit is there without compromising the taste. A lot of percentage we had try from maximum ti minimum and after that we let consumer give perspective to it by doing a sensory test with random people to gain their thought and opinion before proceed with our final recipe.

After several adjustment we finally get our final gold standard recipe and ready for the next things to do which is to make the gold standard recipe into a commercial product recipe. This time we gonna incorporated the art of science.

papaya seed




Monday, 14 December 2015

Beta Concept

After finishing all the 5 domain before which is market study, consumer study, ideation, feasibility study and consumer acceptance than we have to came out with one concept which will be our beta concept and we have to produce this concept later during semester. After several discussion and analysis done from the entire domain before, from the five alpha concepts that had been proposed, pour over Noodle had been chosen as the beta concept. The reason for choosing pour over noodle as the beta concept was because of the highly preferences from the respondents that we interviewed, like this concept and flavour which is important for acceptance of instant noodle product in the market. In addition, the success rate for this concept also was among the highest of all the others five concepts in feasibility study thus make this concept able to be produce in the next semester. We had learned a lot during this food product development final year project which we learned to communicate with the respondents and my team members as well and also research process. The presentations that we had done every week improve our skills of presentation. We will produce this instant noodle concept and you just have to wait for it as it will fulfill all your demands in instant noodles with wonderful flavour that never been seen before.

Domain 5

This is the last domain or process before we came out with our beta concept. Domain 5 is the consumer acceptance. We had called back some of our respondents that had been participating in our consumer study before to participating in our consumer acceptance interview. This interview is different from the consumer study which had been done in group as consumer acceptance interview is done one by one. The purpose of this domain was to see the reaction and opinion from the respondents toward our 5 concepts whether they like or not and willing to purchase it. We had 5 respondents been interviewed with minimum of 30 minutes and maximum of more than 1 hour duration of interview session. The respondents was showed with our 5 concepts in details one by one individually and then been asked several questions to know their opinion and thoughts about the concepts truthfully.

Most of them find the concept showed to them was very innovative and convenient for them which is important for instant noodles product. The respond that we get from the respondents was very good with majority of them like our 5 concepts and had tough time to choose the one they liked the most as they said all of them was very good concepts. The two top concept been choose by the respondents was pour over and dry and soup. This was based on the ranking given to them.