Saturday, 2 May 2015

Experiment 2.0

If the first experiment we did was about candy but this time we were experimenting about chilli sauce. Yes you heard it right, we make chilli sauce on our own. But for this experiment it not just about making chilli sauce but learning about the functions of starch as thickening and gelling agents in food product. Just like the first experiment we had our sensory analysis after finished also and get the taste of our own chilli sauce. Remember it is not just food, it sciences!!!.

Our experiment had finished and the result is amazing! I will said a lot of things I had learned as now I know what affect of the starch towards the texture of the chilli. For our group we are using potato starch as the thickening agents and the result in term of firmness was it the least firmness rather than added corn starch and vinegar.

p/s: sorry for no pictures as some technical error happen.going to fix it ASAP.

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