Saturday, 30 May 2015

Ice cream final trial out!!!

So for this week we have to finalize our secret formula for the ice cream. This is our only chance because next week we have to food tasting and let other people taste our own secret formula and home-made ice cream.

Let the experiment begin...

preparing the basic recipe for the ice cream

co-star of our secret formula

filtering process to ensure smoother ice cream

our ice cream name al-long

opsssss..sorry I cannot introduce the 'star' in here but I left some clues behind for u to find out yourself. Before we finalize the recipe we have several trial out as u can see in the pictures with the small pot there. We run a test on small scale with different sweetness and texture until we get the desire sweet and texture that we want. Can't wait for the food trial out and let everyone taste the ice cream that we made.

p/s: Starbucks will definitely like our ice cream ;)

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Experiment 3.0

So this time of experiment we going to make doughnut and bread. What is the catch here??heheee

We are going to test out on the leavening agents that is commonly used to make bakery products such as yeast and baking powder. From that we going to see what is the different for this leavening agent and how its affect the texture and structure of the doughnut and bread. The bread will be done using 2 method which are sponge and straight method. But for the bread we add special ingredient which is chick peas flour that we substitutes with wheat flour for about 50% and the result is expected.

But first we have to make the dough first.

window test being done to see if the gluten form

Now i will show the result...

as you can see from the picture..the most left is the doughnut that using the yeast as leavening agent, next to it is using baking powder, the most right is the basic doughnut without using any leavening agents as the control and the back doughnut is using over beaten dough.

from the result it is known that the yeast is the best leavening agent for doughnut based on the structure and texture. So I suggest everyone go for the yeast!!:)

As for the bread the left one is the sponge method which is more fluffy and better structure and texture. In the middle is the straight method that have slight dense structure and texture while the most right is the 50% substitute chick peas flour and as you can see it has the most dense structure and texture for the 3 breads.

p/s: u never know what will happen until u experiment...

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Ice Cream Trial Out

This week was a hectic week for me with a lot of cooking to do. For this week, me and my group mates were try to make an ice cream other than ordinary as you will not able to get in any supermarkets in Malaysia or maybe the world itself. Feeling proud already heheee. For our ice cream we gonna substitutes the usually used milk to almond milk and with added chick peas. We will see whether the ice cream was possible to make or not with protein from the full cream milk was replaced to lower protein value in almond milk and added chick peas was to increase the protein value and also give flavour to the ice cream. As a result, maybe we put too much of the chick peas in the mixture as the taste of the chick peas was too strong but were having fun doing it and cannot wait to do more with adjust formula. Below was some of the process to make an ice cream.

mixture of vanilla seeds with milk to being heat to infuse the flavour

beaten eggs with sugar until ribbon stage

 mash chick peas 

ice cream mixture cooling down process 

p/s: making ice cream was not hard at all ;)

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Experiment 2.0

If the first experiment we did was about candy but this time we were experimenting about chilli sauce. Yes you heard it right, we make chilli sauce on our own. But for this experiment it not just about making chilli sauce but learning about the functions of starch as thickening and gelling agents in food product. Just like the first experiment we had our sensory analysis after finished also and get the taste of our own chilli sauce. Remember it is not just food, it sciences!!!.

Our experiment had finished and the result is amazing! I will said a lot of things I had learned as now I know what affect of the starch towards the texture of the chilli. For our group we are using potato starch as the thickening agents and the result in term of firmness was it the least firmness rather than added corn starch and vinegar.

p/s: sorry for no pictures as some technical error happen.going to fix it ASAP.